Fast, easy financing
for your next Honda
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Your credit score has an impact on your interest rate. Check your status with no impact on your score! We offer financing options for all credit situations.
What’s my credit score?
We’ve partnered with Equifax to empower you to find out your credit score and assist with your vehicle financing needs.
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Benefits of St. Albert Honda financing
We can get you monthly or biweekly payments that you’re comfortable with. Here are our solutions for financing or leasing.
First-time buyer
No credit score? No worries! We work with lots of first-time buyers who don't have credit histories, trade-ins, or down payments. Our connections with Canada’s biggest banks man you’ll be in the driver’s seat of the car you want in just a few days.
Bad or no credit
A bad credit score, refused a bank loan, or bankrupt? Our solutions cover all kinds of credit situations. Our financing specialists can get you an affordable solution that suits your budget.
New to Canada
Just starting out your life in Canada without a credit rating? We can still qualify you for a loan and get you into your first car in your new home!
Existing loan with high interest
If you think the interest on your current loan is too high, we may be able to help. Go Auto, our parent company, may be able to buy out what you owe and get you a better rate.

Finance vs. lease?
When deciding on financing versus leasing, what's right for one person can be totally wrong for another.
Income & employment
Usually, you should have been in your existing job for at least three months. Your minimum income should be $1,800/month. Income can from a pension or certain types of government assistance.
Driver's license
You need to have a valid driver’s license in the in the province you live in and need to be the age of majority.
Down payment
A down payment isn’t essential, but it sometimes help. A lender is probably going to give you a better rate if you are borrowing less.
Bank account
Today's lenders take car loan payments directly from your bank account each month. The easiest way to set this up is to bring a void cheque or stamped pre-authorized payment card to your appointment with our finance team.
Bank account
Lenders want to be able to take the payment out of your bank account each month. The easiest way to do this is to get a void cheque or stamped pre-authorized payment form.
Contact details
We’ll need to see your full name, date of birth, phone number, and email address so that we can add this information to your car loan application.

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Download the Go Auto App to start earning Go Card rewards today!
Want to pay off your loan early?
After about a six-month period, most banks will let you pay off your loan early. Contact us or your bank for more information.
Loan payment changes
Making a lump-sum payment or increasing your monthly or biweekly car loan payments is allowed by most banks. Ask us for information, or contact your lender.
Loan term extension
Almost all lenders do not extend the term of borrowing. Please check with our Finance team or your lender to see if an extension is a possibility for you.
Insurance for your car loan
Today, you can get insurance for your car loan. This kind of insurance will support your vehicle loan payments if you become sick or unemployed. . Ask St. Albert Honda about vehicle loan insurance.
Financing that's affordable
We have financial solutions for all customers, and that includes customers whose income is lower. You can still borrow if you earn $1,800 a month or more.
Want a different vehicle? Switch your laon!
You have a loan on your car but want a different vehicle. No worries, we can assist. Choose your next car, and we'll arrange for you to pay off what you owe and add the additional amount to your new agreement.